Plenary Session of Parent Committee
In order to further strengthen the home-school exchange, let parents get a closer understanding of Anqing Foreign Language School and build a platform for parents, school and teachers to communicate, on the afternoon of 14th December, the first plenary meeting of the 2nd Session Parent Committee of Anqing Foreign Language School’s Junior High Department of the east campus was grandly held in the conference room on the first floor of the administrative building. The meeting was presided over by Mr. Hu Sen, Deputy Director of the Junior High Section& Secretary General of the Parent Committee. Also in attendance were Mr. Lu Dan, Principal Assistant& Director of the Junior High Division, Mr. Wang Shengxiang, Vice Director of the Junior High Department in addition to all the members of the Parent Committee.
In the first place, Deputy Director Hu Sen announced the name list of the 2nd Session Parent Committee, after which Principal Assistant Lu Dan and Vice Director Wang Shengxiang issued the letters of appointment and committee member certificates to the committee members. The red appointment letters meant heavy responsibility. We believed that all the members of the Parent Committee would be full of enthusiasm and desire, shoulder the responsibility and mission together and contribute to the higher, faster and better development of Anqing Foreign Language School’s education and teaching.
In the second place, all the committee members introduced themselves, some of whom gave a positive evaluation of the school work and put forward their own ideas and suggestions as well. Each word of the committee members was very sincere and the meeting atmosphere was quite harmonious and relaxed.
In the third place, Deputy Director Hu Sen led everyone to discuss the ‘Regulations(Draft) of the Parent Committee of Anqing Foreign Language School’s Junior High Department in the East Campus’ and the ‘Working System(Draft) of the Parent Committee of Anqing Foreign Language School’s Junior High Department in the East Campus’, after which all the committee members unanimously passed the two drafts, voting by a show of hands. At the end of the meeting, Principal Assistant Lu Dan delivered a passionate speech in which he introduced the basic situation of education and teaching in the Junior High Section, summarized the role definition of the Parent Committee, analyzed the significance of school education and family education with profundity and an easy-to-understand approach as well as the important role of the Parent Committee in Anqing Foreign Language School’s institutional improvement.
In conclusion, the establishment of the newly-formed Parent Committee not only lifted Anqing Foreign Language School’s home-school common education to a new level, but also injected fresh blood into the school work! We firmly believe that our school will do better and better with more parents’ support and participation!






